Wow, just… wow. 

Warning: Lies, scare quotes, race and religion baiting, fallacious logic, narcissism, child exploitation, and outright extortion ahead.

After what I can only guess was a deep psychotic break, Pastor Ken Hutcherson put out a “Press Release” to his Prayer Warriors titled “Microsoft Supporting Intolerance?”  I can’t find any sign of it anywhere else online and this begs the question – if you put out a press release and you don’t send it to the press, is it really a press release at all?

Here’s the awesome craziness. All emphasis is mine:

Redmond, WA -November 19. Dr.

Today is November 19th and Microsoft’s Annual Stockholder Meeting was held at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue.

In the wake of this historic election there is a new story that many children will begin to hear from their parents, their schools, and the community from this morning.

It’s a story that tells them they really can be anything they want to be, even the President of the United States.  They can point to the example of President-Elect Barack Obama as a resounding proof.

We headed on down to our Polling Place this morning at about 8:15am and found a moderately long line.

Everyone came prepared this year with reading materials and technology to pass the time.

People seemed in fine spirits and waited patiently for their turn in the voting booth.

And it didn’t hurt that these spanky fellows were handing out cookies, granola bars, and water to the intrepid voters. 

HWMBO was surprised by the line as he’s never seen one here when he’s voted in previous elections.

On the day I was naturalized and became a U.S. Citizen, we came home from the citizenship ceremony and I registered to vote online.

I’d researched what I needed to do online, bookmarked the registration site, and called the King County Elections office to confirm that, as a first time voter, I was doing what I needed to to ensure I’d be on the voter roll for this crucial election.

It seemed so simple and straightforward.

Because this isn’t who you are…

This is what some married couples in California are facing this November 4th…

While the physical home invasion is (hopefully) hyperbole, the invasion of privacy and the actions depicted show exactly what Proposition 8 will do to same-sex couples and families.  It also shows the one group who is most focused on doing it – the Mormon church.

While I certainly wasn’t expecting to see a country music ode penned for Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin…

…I have to say I’m much more surprised to see it put together by Red Symons who I remember best from Skyhooks and “Hey Hey It’s Saturday”.  Man, saying that makes me feel old.

It’s a pretty slick effort seamlessly merging debate visuals and audio with a country groove.  I shouldn’t have been surprised.

If it’s Autumn, it must be time to check in on Pastor Ken Hutcherson’s loopy Microsoft Proxy scam. 

As expected, the Microsoft Stockholders Meeting has been scheduled for November 18th 2008.  The big questions were whether Hutcherson, Strobhar and company had submitted a Shareholder Proposal and pulled together sufficient Proxy Votes to pass it at the meeting.

There is something fascinating about seeing under the skin of buildings.

Peering into a narrow space that contains their internal life.

This is why demolition as part of restoration is so cool.
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Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm an Australian man living in Seattle, Washington with my man, two cats, and a vaguely obsessive nature.
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"First they ignore you,

      then they laugh at you,

   then they fight you,

          then you win."
- Mohandas Gandhi